Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A price I willingly paid

Sure, I just came from a ten-day off from work. Sure, two days of that were spent recovering from a cold virus that almost ruined the rest of my vacation. Sure, a day before my long break, six of Chris’ (the guy I share the room with in the office) staff were tasked (by my boss) to ‘assist’ me so I can complete my deliverables. (Yep, I will complete them upon my return. Isn’t my boss the coolest?!)

But their help came with a price. Rey, together with the two other guys in the team teased me no end about buying them merienda… What a naughty, rowdy trio.. They feign a cough while saying “pizza! pizza!”. They give me melodramatic lines about how they need to squeeze in this extra job to fit into their hectic schedules. I thought to myself, oh dear, I kinda see myself in them. This is payback it seems. I am sometimes guilty of sweet talking my way to a freebie. Guys usually give in easily.

I held my ground. I laughed with them as they continued in their spiels. I smiled at them as they stepped out of the room, unsuccessful. Whew! It was difficult to refuse but I had a budget to think of given my long break. Okay, honestly, I just wanted to win that round. My competitive streak was on.

Day one of my return to the office. We hold a meeting to discuss issues. With Chris’ permission, I ask them to do one more simple thing which I know my boss will ask. Once again, the three guys (the three ladies were shy, it seems) began reciting the phone numbers of a pizza company and a burger chain. Over and over again. Now, that is new.

And where was Chris throughout this 'ordeal' ? Right there with us, quietly watching, smiling and wondering if and when i will give in to the pressure.

To their surprise, I said 'okay, go. snacks on me'. I handed Rey the money and suddenly, the three boys blushed! I laughed seeing them squirm in embarrassment. They didn’t expect my response. Three huge guys blushing Ha ha ha How adorable! They said they were just kidding. I said, sure you were.

When I get a freebie, I just clap with glee. No apologies. Maybe because they are boys, err men. And they just ripped off a lady… (umm..that would be moi) .. That, while calling me ma’am. The three ladies were less vocal but I see their potential.

Half an hour later, you see us in the pantry, gorging on pizza.


Swipe said...

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

Drifter said...

You know what? I have asked a lot of favors and you rarely asked for free coffee (hmm or maybe i refused to give you one). Di bale, sige buy kita coffee with dessert pa. Just choose any starbucks branch anywhere near Ayala Avenue. hehe

Beng said...

I should feel very honored because you once treated me to a buffet of stories and a dinner not too long ago. :-) Hey, this is such a happy post. Especially as you made six people happier and fuller. :-) I really enjoy reading your office story posts.

Drifter said...

Oh the pleasure is mine, Beng. I am glad you enjoy my office stories. These guys do make me smile.