Tuesday, May 31, 2005

An attempt at poetry

I just thought, I'd post some things that swirl inside my head the past few days or maybe weeks ...it is quite unfinished..Maybe later, i will add some more or maybe change the lines so they can rhyme... hahaha..i used to write a lot of poetry growing up, but the drive got lost between algebra and advance accounting...academics dried up my creative juices... oh well...

For now, here are the words capturing "just the tip of the iceberg" so to speak.....here goes...

I fight, I take shelter
‘Neath the shadow of my Father
I cry, I grow stronger
As I lean on His shoulders

He wipes away the tears of my heart
Tears that never reach the eyes
He sooths my wounded heart
And lovingly calms my wearied mind

He meets me in my quiet center
and whispers words that heal.
In these moments of deep sadness,
He is my stronghold and my shield

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

When a song becomes my own

A few weeks ago, I bought Luther Vandross’ latest CD. I bought it for two reasons: it is his last CD since he had that fatal stroke (some think it could be his last..hope not), and I loved its carrier track which is also the CD’s title…

The song: Dance with my father.

The song is about a son’s longing to steal time, or even a final glance of his father. It speaks of his memories of how loved he felt in the arms of his father.

Vandross’ perfect voice and the heartfelt lyrics make it so memorable.

But now, the song holds a special meaning for me especially the part that goes:

Sometimes I listen outside her door
I’d hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

My father has passed away.
My mother’s faithful companion for almost 40 years left so abruptly. A gentle, quiet and patient guy, a perfect foil to my mother's highly strung character.

He passed on to all his children his passion for music. And he had a wonderful singing voice. My brothers fascination for war stories is all due his endless stories. I could go on and on and on....

I take comfort in knowing that he is safe in the arms of his Heavenly Father and that he got his wish......to go ahead of my mother.

Someday, Pa. I will see you again.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Perusing a paradigm

Wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of job? I mean, the kind that will really help people?”

I was gazing at Matthew McConaughey’s rippling muscles (AND listening to the important dialogues of course) when my friend rudely interrupted me with that question. You can’t expect me to think so profoundly when you have this ruggedly handsome guy in front of the big screen??!, I thought to myself.

I remember smiling and mumbling a suitable reply just so I could go back to watching Matthew, I meant the movie, Sahara.

As in any other typical movie, the movie tells of how the good guys stopped the bad guys from wreaking havoc not just in Africa but eventually, the entire planet…yada yada yada..you know the rest. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is quite entertaining – ala Indiana Jones (but not really). Loved the chemistry of McConaughey and sidekick Steve Zahn..and oh yes, Penelope Cruise..er.. Cruz.

That question stayed with me though.

What about my job?

What is the worse thing that can happen if I screw up a report. If I reported USD120k instead of USD130K? If I failed to make the accrual for so and so account?

My boss will give me the third degree. Been there. He might bad mouth me…Done that .. He might not give me a raise or promotion. ..ho hum…. Fire me? Thank God for Philippine Labor Laws..

I will be shamefaced. Okay. My reputation will precede me. Ooookay.

But the rest of the world moves on. No global warming. No toxic poisoning. No epidemic...

Suddenly, I felt like I wanted to do something a little more important. I may not be able to find that in my job but maybe, somewhere else. Oh yeah. There are a lot of things I can do. I only needed to think micro

I remember saying to my friend after leaving the movie house...Don't you feel old? Can you really believe we are going up Maslow's hierarchy? ..up the self actualization stage? We just laughed.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak..”