Thursday, November 24, 2005


Check out an email message from my boss addressed to her entire team:

I just wanted to recognize JC and RB for being awarded the XXX Company Bottoms award.
This award is given to the XXX employees who under-perform on an annual basis. Their underwhelming performance did not go un-noticed.
Let’s applaud JC and RB for their accomplishments.
Congratulations and keep up the poor work!

To which one of the team members replies: "Let my people GOOOO!"

I am not really sure what is going on. Some joke I am not privy to. I get the feeling that I am the only one in the dark over this. Maybe, I will ask Maria. This is the thing with globalization. You call 'team mates' people who are half a world away with Microsoft Outlook as your only link. Maria's anecdotes about the team in the US gave me a picture of a pretty tight and happy team. They are very generous with their praises, Maria especially (maybe because she is of Latin descent). I would love to know the story behind this email. (sigh ..sigh..)

Maria expressed her desire and intention to make me feel that I am part her team, never mind the distance that separates me from all of them.

"Just drop me or anyone of us an email anytime." was her last instruction before we ended the call.

"You know, Maria. You really should bring me to New York. Wouldn't a team building activity bring us all together? What do you think? ", I said to her.


No, I didn't. HA! But what a thought, huh?


Swipe said...

Maybe you should've said that. you never know when she might take you up on the joke. :-D

Drifter said...

You know, you're right...Hmmm

Beng said...

Yes, next time you get the chance, go for it. :-) There's nothing to lose and one great exciting trip to New York to gain.

Swipe said...

ever find out what the entire thing was about?

Drifter said...

Not yet. But I will. I might add a post script when I do.