Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Monday at half past seven in the evening. I wear a satisfied smile on my face while I attach the excel file and type in a summary of the report. I felt pretty good about the report I have put together for my boss. As I click the ‘send’ button, a surge of eagerness washed over me. I can't wait to discuss this one with her tomorrow, I thought.

During my initial meeting with Maria (my boss), we agreed to have biweekly phone calls, with or without any deliverables. Being managed by a superior located halfway across the globe is quite difficult without the regular updates and yes, some small talk.

Tomorrow, is our next scheduled call.

Anyways, the next day, 9am. I dial her number and I hear her machine. I leave a quick message to tell her I will call in ten minutes. Maybe she is having dinner with her husband, I thought. Ten minutes later, I call again. Still, the machine picked up my call. I leave a second message. Hmmm. This is unusual. Absentmindedly, I check my calendar and - Oh no!! I thought in dismay. Then ended up laughing aloud. By myself. Imagine how that looked.


Oh yes, I called a day earlier! I should call her Wednesday, 9am. (Tuesday 8pm EST). Arrgh! I scolded myself, “you have been calling her Wednesday mornings for the past three months, why get confused after all this time?” My answer, “ I don’t know. Tao lang. ( I am only human).”

I drop Maria an email, apologized for the confusion and promised to call tomorrow.

I am just relieved she didn’t pick up the call herself! Not that she will get angry or anything. She’ll probably laugh but … I cringe at the thought.

The rest of my Tuesday was uneventful after that. In this case, I’d take uneventful anytime!!


Beng said...

It happens to the best of us. Just recently, a friend went to the office because we were going to a concert (or so she thought!) She came a day earlier!:-) It was worth a good laugh, and something we'll be laughing about for a long, long time.

But hey, is it just a girl thing? Do this kind of disorientation happen to guys too? Hmmm...

Drifter said...

I think it was the overeagerness that made us (your friend and myself) disoriented. =)

Swipe said...

To me the title of this entry is disorientated. hehehehe