Monday, March 19, 2007

Clam chowder for the highly strung_#3

Food for a drifter’s heart


(1)        Learn to know the difference between a problem and an inconvenience.  Revisit Fulghum (

(2)        When a mountain is before you, you can either go over it or work your way around it.

(3)        Salaries and bonuses. They are almost always not enough…..until you decide to be thankful.

(4)        Listening to R&B/Soul /Jazz music while stuck in heavy traffic is like sipping a watermelon smoothie under the summer's heat.

(5)        You can only do so much to try and change the heart of a person.  A heart “transplant” is for the Divine Surgeon.

(6)        Universal remotes are cool!  Well….except when your TV is more than a decade old. 

(7)        Laundry shops – they exist and thrive for a reason.  You won’t know it if you keep thinking of reasons why your clothes should be handwashed.

(8)        Want some regular morning dose of nicotine?  Just make sure you pass by buildings that house call centers.

(9)        Speaking in front of impressionable graduating university students have to be one of the best ways to guide the minds of tomorrow’s influencers.

(10)      It can be tough being in the shoes of a single woman.  So, it is perfectly fine to buy an expensive pair once in a while, right???. ...... Right.



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